A collaborative partnership with Hull

Hull City Council began a collaborative partnership with Clear Futures in 2024. Continuing to work with the established local supply chain, the council has drawn on our expert advice to develop three energy and decarbonisation projects in the short term. In the future, we are looking forward to strategically reviewing assets, and tackling long-term ambitions together. 

With the experience of Clear Futures’ commercial partners in the region, we are in a strong position to drive forward economic and environmental sustainability. Robertson brings a track record of partnering to invest in, develop and maintain schools in Hull; AECOM has consulted on large-scale solar projects in East Yorkshire and complex transport infrastructure in the city of Hull.

Our partnerships

Clear Futures is beginning our partnership with Hull to develop sustainability and energy projects to address short-term requirements. As we continue to work together, we will take a wider strategic approach and focus on the city’s long-term goals. The great benefit of our flexibility is to address immediate needs as well as tackle the bigger picture.

See all of our partnerships